Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services are for people up to 18 years old. They are sometimes called CAMHS. If you are aged between 12 and 18 years old and have a Nottinghamshire GP, you can self-refer to CAMHS. This means that you can directly approach the CMAHS Team to ask for help.

The telephone number is 0115 8542 299 and it is open from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. You will speak to a specially trained professional who will ask you some questions and talk to you about how they can help. If you prefer, you can ask for help by completing an online self-referral form.

  • Anxiety
  • Low mood/depression
  • Problems with eating
  • Problems with drugs or alcohol
  • Psychosis – when someone hears or sees things which aren’t there
  • Intellectual disability – when someone finds it difficult to communicate or understand things

Click here to complete the CAMHS self-referral form